We are a JobsAware partner.

As a partner of JobsAware we agree to follow the following principles:

Voluntary partner principles

Our principles are focused on promoting free help and advice on labour market abuses to all workers. We appreciate your support in adopting them!​

  1. Partners must display the JobsAware logo on their website or app, and be easily accessible to all visitors.

  2. Partners should display JobsAware on any online job adverts displayed on their website or app.

  3. Partners should display JobsAware on any payslips sent to workers.

  4. Partners should refer workers to JobsAware if they have concerns about their employment or engagement.

  5. Partners should report any suspected abuses of worker rights to JobsAware.

  6. Partners should request that organisations in their supply chain also partner with JobsAware.

  7. Partners should share any insights or recommendations on labour market threats and how to respond to them, so they can be highlighted to UK Government through JobsAware expert forums​.